Learn to enjoy the course
Develop game and shoots strategies
Learning to avoid pressure
Developing playing routines
Planning hole, planning shots
Distances in the countryside and distances in practice
Performing commonly practiced shoots
Learn and perform unusual conditions shots: difficult lies, angular positions, fairway bunkers
Withstand the pressure of expectations
Bear with handicap pressure
Maintain concentration between blows
Taking on your level by enjoying the game
Every hole has ist target
Accuracy is much more important than distance
Short game is more important that long game
Putting is the more common shot
Most llkely results
Prudence and lilkeliness
Balls balance
Acceptance of reality
¿‘Death or Glory’, take a while or smart improving?
Each shot has to make life easier for the next
The most likely result of each shot will be the most common when practicing
Dificult first shots
Checking list before shooting the ball
Drive range distance and course distance
Clubs and shot’s conditions
Selecting the right shot type
Selecting right club
Commitment with your shot
Nearby courses. Less that one hour from Madrid