Learn for having fun

When we think about the meaning of the golf, why we play golf, is fun or enjoyment above other issues as the result? And the common answer is to is not. The importance of the result is firmly established in our culture and it is very difficult to unseat it.

But this priority of the result usually does not make easy the things: expecting a vary fast learning or an early handicap improve, cause tension and anxiety and if we add the difficulty of swing itself, the way to frustration will be very short.

Cultural experience tells us that if you learn any activity or skill with fun, your improvement is guaranteed. And golf is a clear example.

But in golf, the importance of the result in a general sense, blocks the change in the scale of values and prevents in any way placing fun above all else.

How can we do?

There is a great argument on behalf of amusing as a priority target. It comes from our true homeland, the childhood: if children always have fun learning, why not recover this attitude?


A child learns without complex, without pressure, without stress, without “trying”, he just strains and enjoys the process. Could we learn and improve our golf by recovering this childhood pattern? Could we learn mainly for fun?


On the other hand, learning is defined as the ability to adapt to change, and it saves much more time than it consumes.

In golf, this is a main issue because our swing is always changing, even from one shot to the next. You cannot repeat something so full of details and nuances. No two swings are the same.

When playing golf we have to be constantly learning.

Then, if we are commited to continuous learning, why not change our mind and learn for fun?

 Game improvement is guaranteed.

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© 2025•SmartSwing

Sergio Rosales

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